Boat fee is $500. Entry fee covers 4 anglers, 4 Tournament T-shirts, 4 Tickets to Main Family Event and Awards Ceremony on Saturday, May 4, 2024 and 1 team bucket/gift bags. All boats must be registered with the Epiphany Fishing Tournament committee. Late registration will be available through the night of the Captain’s Meeting at 9:00 PM. Late registration will be subject to an additional $50.00 late registration fee. Each boat will designate a Captain who will sign the boat/team entry form and take responsibility for his/her team. The tournament committee reserves the right to extend the deadline. The tournament committee reserves the right to refuse entry to any person, group or boat. There is a maximum of six anglers per team. Extra angler entries may be purchased for $100.00 per angler and $50 For Junior Anglers includes 1 additional shirt and ticket to Main Family Event.
This is a boat/team tournament. No changes are permitted in registered anglers after the conclusion of the Captain’s Meeting on Thursday, May 2, 2024. All eligible fish must be entered for official weigh-in in the presence of a boat/team representative. Each team/boat will have the opportunity to participate in the Calcutta Contest for an additional $100.00 per boat.
Unless otherwise stated, IGFA rules will apply throughout this tournament.
There will be a Captain’s Meeting on Thursday, May 2, 2024, beginning at 7:00 PM – middle school courtyard at Epiphany. At least one representative from each team must be present. All anglers and their families are encouraged to attend. The rules of this tournament may be amended verbally or in writing at the time of the meeting. Anglers are responsible for being well informed of all rules.
Dolphin (Mahi Mahi), Wahoo, Cobia, Kingifish, Grouper, Blackfin Tuna/Yellowfin Tuna (not including Bonito), and Mutton Snapper are the only species of fish eligible for prizes. All fish presented for weigh-in must be in fresh, edible condition and caught that tournament day. No mutilated fish (based on tournament committee’s opinion) will be accepted. Minimum acceptable weight of 10 pounds is required for entry into the tournament. A maximum of 4 fish per boat/team may be weighed in.
1 point per pound will be awarded to each boat/team/angler for their eligible fish. All entries must be weighed in at the certified scale at the official weigh-in location – Shake-A-LEG Miami (Coconut Grove, Florida), and in the presence of the boat/team entering them. Any fish may be examined by any means necessary.
Dolphin (Mahi Mahi), Wahoo, Cobia, Kingifish, Grouper, Blackfin Tuna/Yellowfin Tuna (not including Bonito), Mutton Snapper, Mangrove Snapper, Yellowtail Snapper, Spanish / Cero Mackeral, Snook, Redfish, and Sea Trout are the only species of fish eligible for prizes. All fish presented for weigh-in must be in fresh, edible condition and caught that tournament day. No mutilated fish (based on tournament committee’s opinion) will be accepted. No Minimum Size. Additional species may be subject to change on the day of the Captain’s meeting contingent upon the weather conditions and registered anglers for the Church of the Epiphany Fishing Tournament.
Junior angler is defined as someone between 15 years of age and 12 years of age (Currently 6th Grade and Above) on the day of the tournament. For purposes of scoring, there is no minimum weight for the junior angler division. Fish weighed in for this division, may also be weighed in for the overall division. Junior Anglers must be registered as part of a team/boat.
Elementary angler is defined as someone having 12 years of age or younger on the day of the tournament and Currently in 5th Grade or below. For purposes of scoring, there is no minimum weight for the junior angler division. Fish weighed in for this division, may also be weighed in for the overall division. Elementary Anglers must be registered as part of a team/boat.
This is a rod and reel tournament only. The tackle is unlimited and live bait may be used. Power driven reels of any kind are prohibited. This includes motor, hydraulic, or electronically driven reels or any device that gives the angler an unfair advantage.
The lines-in time is 7:00 A.M. Lines-out at 3:00 P.M. Official time for both will be announced over VHF Channel 72. Fish being fought at lines-out time must be announced over VHF Channel 72 and weighed in no later than 4:00 pm on the day of the tournament. The official time will be kept by the Tournament Director. All boats/teams may leave from any marina and do NOT have to check in anywhere prior to start time. You must be at the scale or in line by 4:00 PM in order to have your fish weighed.
All entries must be weighed in at the certified scale at the official weigh-in location – Shake-A-Leg Miami (Coconut Grove, Florida), and in the presence of the boat/team entering them. The boat/team representative must remain with the fish to verify the weigh-in and sign the weigh-in ticket. Weigh in will officially open at 2:30PM on the day of the tournament. Only the captain (or a designee) will be allowed at the scale. This angler will be accompanied by a Tournament official and will only be allowed to weigh a maximum of 4 fish. The scales will officially close at 4:00 PM the day of the tournament. All teams/boats are responsible for getting their fish to the weigh station aboard their own boat. In the case of a tie, the boat/team that weighs their fish first will be declared the winner. Awards, food, beverages and festivities will follow the weigh-in.
Teams may not enter Bahamian nor Cuban waters. US territory only.
All participating boats should be equipped with a working VHF marine radio. The Tournament Committee will monitor VHF channel 72. Official times or special notifications will be announced during the tournament on this channel.
The tournament does not provide a weather committee and it is a captain’s choice tournament. All team members, captains, boat owners and all other participants are responsible to determine that their craft is sea-worthy and are advised and encouraged to be familiar with the local weather conditions and forecasts to determine if the conditions permit the safety of the boat, crew, anglers, and guests to proceed to depart to sea and return in a safe and prudent manner. In the event of unsafe weather conditions, the tournament committee may choose to postpone or reschedule the tournament for a later date.
Overall first, second and third place will be awarded to the boat/team with the highest scores based on maximum of 4 fish weighed in. Additionally, there will be awards for the angler who lands the largest Dolphin (MahiMahi), the largest Wahoo, and the largest Tuna (not including Bonito). Junior and Elementary anglers will compete for first, second and third place awards based on one fish weighed in. Fish weighed in for the junior and elementary angler divisions may also be weighed in for the overall division. All junior and elementary anglers will receive recognition for their participation. The Calcutta Contest proceeds will be awarded to the Captain of the boat/team who weighs in the heaviest fish. Eligible Species for the Calcutta will be determined at the captain’s meeting. In the case of a tie, the captain that weighs his/her fish first will be declared the winner.
No protesting will be allowed by any means.
The weight and/or length of the eligible fish submitted for weigh-in is subject to the state of Florida and/or federal laws. All tournament boats must possess current and valid Florida Saltwater Fishing licenses and any other permits required by applicable law at the time of weigh-in. Any team without valid permits and/or licensing are in violation of state and/or federal law and may have their fish disqualified at the time of weigh-in.
It is expressly understood that the participants in this tournament enter at their own risk and that the Church of the Epiphany Fishing Tournament Committee Members and The Church of the Epiphany, their officers and directors and all persons connected directly or indirectly with the operations of this tournament, or any sponsor of the tournament shall be exempt from any liability whatsoever for liable, slander, loss, damage, negligence, harm, injury, or death suffered by any participant, entrant, fisherman or their companions, boat captains, mates, crew members, guests, vessels and equipment which may occur during or in conjunction with this tournament.
By signing the official tournament registration form, the boat owner, captain and mate(s), anglers and guests agree to follow the above tournament rules and consent to the use, without payment or restriction, of photographs and/or video footage, in which he/she may appear for any purpose what so ever, including but not limited to resale, advertising, commercial or promotional material, by the Church of the Epiphany.